On Mission: Climate Actions for Building Resilience in Coastal Communities in the Caribbean

  • Friday, February 14, 2025

On Mission!

Members of the SAEDI Consulting team have begun missions across the Caribbean from January to February to conduct consultations as part of The Climate Actions for Building Resilience in Coastal Communities in the Caribbean (CA-BRIC) initiative. CABRIC is supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and regional partners, implemented by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre and supported by E Co. Ltd.

SAEDI Consulting is working for E Co. Ltd. and is leading the gender and social inclusion activities of the project, including the Gender Action Plan and stakeholder engagements in the countries. In alignment with our work to enhance representation and participation of vulnerable groups, engagements will be conducted with key governmental, non-governmental, and community-level actors within the agrifood and coastal resilience sectors. The consultations seek to identify/confirm barriers and constraints, gender mainstreaming needs and priorities, gaps and best practices for women’s participation and empowerment, and inclusive approaches related to the needs of persons with disabilities and youth, as these relate to climate-resilient adaptation.

Our approach to engagement consists of plenary presentations to stakeholders, key informant interviews with stakeholders and interactive group sessions that cover areas related to CABRIC, including climate and social risks, Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS), as well as the capacity, finance and technical needs of NGOs.

CABRIC is aimed at accelerating climate resilience actions across 6 CARICOM member states - Grenada, Belize, Jamaica, Bahamas, St. Lucia and Suriname. Through its focus on enhancing institutional capacity, enabling community-led adaptation, and fostering inclusive knowledge sharing, this program seeks to address the vulnerabilities of coastal communities, particularly in food security, ecosystem health, and livelihood sustainability. There is a strong gender responsive lens to this work, at the demand of stakeholders on the ground, particularly in Grenada.

See images below for an inside look into the Grenada mission, and look out for more on the mission to Belize!

Presentation to stakeholders in a Grenada consultation, led by Leisa Perch.

More inside one of our Grenada consultations.