Have you already registered for our CSW69 event with the Society of Gender Professionals?
We are happy to reveal that our panel will feature insights from Dr. Angelique Nixon, Yemi Knight, Violeta Colman, Bren Kutch, and Sreevidya Varma.
The session will be moderated by SGP’s Aparna Arora, based in India, and will feature a presentation from SAEDI Consulting’s Barbados-based Leisa Perch.
#EqualityCantWait! We can’t wait to share their critical perspectives on countering anti-gender movements and enhancing advocacy actions towards the Beijing+30 and 2030 agendas, and to #BridgeTheGap between Gender, Climate Change, and Labour Conditions.
Register now to join us in-person or via Zoom on the 21st of March, 2025 at 10:30 AM EST.
Registration link: tinyurl.com/IntersectionalSolutionsCSW2025