CSW69 Event: Countering Anti-Gender Movements Intersectional Solutions for Gender Equity

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Are you attending CSW69?

SAEDI Consulting (Barbados) Inc. is ecstatic to announce that we are co-hosting an event with the Society of Gender Professionals at CSW69!

The event will explore the increasing influence of anti-gender movements which have gained political, social, and economic legitimacy and their evolving impact on SOGIESC rights, climate justice, and labour and working conditions. 

Our exciting panel will examine the narratives, actions, and power structures deployed by anti-gender forces on the intersection of these rights. Panellists will highlight:

  • feminist response strategies at the individual, network/community and institutional levels
  • emerging entry points for further momentum by advocates, professionals and allies. 

Join us as we #BridgeTheGap by sharing perspectives on countering anti-gender movements and enhancing advocacy actions to advance the Beijing+30 and 2030 agendas for an inclusive and equitable future.

The hybrid event will take place on the 21st of March, 2025 at 10:30 AM EST.

Register here: tinyurl.com/IntersectionalSolutionsCSW2025

Stay tuned for updates on our speakers!