Our company is a women-led nonprofit that focuses on the intersection between health, gender and the environment. We wish to build on our collaboration with SAEDI due to the extensive experience and knowledge they have been able to gather in their decades of work in the gender field.
We believe that there is a need to strengthen ties between women-led and gender-focused consulting firms in order to integrate specific knowledge into current debates and build on the expertise of global experts in the areas of health and the environment. Systemic change is only possible when we invest in gender-transformative programming and leadership.
The Climate Conscious Podcast and The Breadfruit Collective sincerely thank you for
your invaluable contribution to the inaugural Caribbean Women for Climate Justice
We have accomplished something that we can all be proud of. The feedback from
attendees has been positive and encouraging. For many, CW4CJ 2022 has
reaffirmed the hope that as a region, we can, in fact, surmount the challenge of the
climate crisis. We’ve come away feeling inspired and energized to continue the work,
pursuing climate resilience and gender equality in the Caribbean.
We truly appreciate you generously sharing your time and expertise with us. Thank
you for making CW4CJ 2022 a success! We know this is just the start of working
together and look forward to collaborating with you in the future. Wishing you
continued success.
Derval, Christine, Afeefa, Iyana
Leisa has been the UWI-CERMES Gender in Fisheries Team (GIFT) "go to" and "depend on" gender consultant, friend and member since the initiative started in 2016. Her expertise in gender has helped us to develop our own capacity in this complex and dynamic area. Her passion for gender is evident in her gender trainings and the solid advice and guidance she so readily dispenses. CERMES GIFT looks forward to continuing and building this valuable partnership with you, Leisa, for many years to come.
SAEDI's thorough knowledge of the Caribbean countries and their realities as well as network of valuable experts provides an added value to all our contracts and has helped us to improve our services to our clients. SAEDI has brought local knowledge and expertise as well as a strong gender approach to our work while we've brought international expertise on climate finance, safeguards and REDD+.
... your participation in this session demonstrated your commitment to the sustainable development of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in the region. Indeed, it reinforced your status as a small-scale fisheries champion in the WECAFC region. The discussion was vibrant and dynamic, offering key insights to our audience. This was evidenced by the thought-provoking questions posed by our audience. We have received excellent feedback from both our invited guests and GCFI participants.
As we gear up for activities in the international year next year, we look forward to engaging with you all again. Please accept our sincere gratitude for your continued support of IYAFA2022.
Dear Ms. Leisa Perch, thank you for presenting at the GPN Workshop 1, 'Empowering Women in the Portland Bight Protected Area – Developing Partnerships with Sources of Support'.